Slumdog Creating Millions

Check out the latest post at titled "Interest In Slumdog Content Peaks Post Oscars; Caller Tune Subscriptions Jump".
-The search volume for Slumdog Millionaire content has doubled in India and tripled worldwide over the last 48 hours.
-More that half a million mobile subscribers in India have set Jai Ho as their caller ring back tone.
-There are approximately quarter of a million searches per day for film content in India; the maximum searches over this weekend were related to Slumdog Millionaire.
-More that 80% of the Slumdog Millionaire content searched is for Jai Ho.
-On iTunes, Slumdog Millionaire is the top album and Jai Ho is the 7th most downloaded track. On radio, the focus on Jai Ho and A.R. Rahman peaked yesterday.
I read somewhere else that Tata Sky made a cool Rs. 37.5 Lakh ($78,000) in just three days by airing it on its pay per view channel.
There is, rather all of a sudden, a revitalized interest in AR Rahman's works and Reliance Mobile is creating two brand new sites dedicated to Slumdog and AR Rahman.
Both lead stars of the movie, Freida Pinto and whats-his-name are already getting brand endorsement offers. their price? a cool 1-2 crores per endorsement.
Marketing lesson in this is very simple - CASH IN ON FADS.
Every product will have fads that will impact your business. If you are in media, as is quite obvious from the above, films, music, celebrities all have the potential to turn into a fad and create income streams for your business.
If you are an FMCG company - the FAD could be something as simple and as strong as the current consumer interest in "wellness'' "health" "nutrition". or it could yet again be a film that is becoming a rage with a part of your TG. remember the "Krish" rage with the kids? here branded merchandise is your key to getting your TG go into a rush for your products.
what else?
Industry : Property Developers. FADS that can impact - Interest in Vaastu Shastra, Feng Shui, "Green" homes and so on.
So this is what i think we as marketers should be doing - we need to idea and creat a probable list of fads that can impact our busines and can have the potential for us to either boost or create a new income streams. Keep a tab on these fads and how they are developing and strike when its crossing a threshold.
Sorry if you thought this was another blog praising slumdog millionaire for its brilliance, i will reserve my comments about this movie for another post, another blog. though i can tell you that these comments are less than reverent.
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